Our Affordable Turkish Rug Restoration Services And The Benefits

Often, all that's needed to make a Turkish rug look great again is a professional rug cleaning service. But sometimes, before rug cleaning can take place, rug restoration services are required. This is mainly because you don't want to repair a rug while it's wet. Wet rugs are alot more delicate than dry ones, so restoration is always done prior to the cleaning.
Our expert technicians have been providing rug restoration services since for years, while we’re known for providing Turkish rug and carpet cleaning in Long Island, we are also preferred by those who need to repair for their Turkish rugs. When you hire our restoration experts, you can expect your rugs to come back looking like they did when you first purchased them.
We provide dozens of useful Turkish rug restoration services, and if you need rug coloring, rug reweaving, rug binding, or rug fringing, we can help. To know more about each of these common Turkish rug restoration services, read through the sections below.


Rug Recoloring Is A Common And Useful Restoration Service

If you miss the vibrant colors your Turkish rug, then you should get in touch with our expert Turkish rug recoloring team. They will bring color back to your Turkish rug, no matter if your rug is dark or light.We have been the most preferred company for years by those who need Turkish rug recoloring, mainly because we pay attention to detail and we’re always meticulous. You can rest easy when you leave your Turkish rugs with us, as we take extra good care of them to ensure they look wonderful when you get them back. You won't have to worry about running dye or a destroyed pattern when you leave rug recoloring to us.

We’ll Deliver Expert Turkish Rug Reweaving

You won't regret using our rug reweaving service. Owners of Turkish rugs need reweaving at least twice a year, ecspecially those rugs that have been damaged by moths and other insects. This is a restoration service that will save you from having to get an expensive Turkish rug replacement.

We Specialize In Turkish Rug Binding

Do you need your Turkish rug bound? If so, we are the experts to hire. We use binding tape or a special sewing machine to bind your Turkish rug. We are able to provide this restoration service quickly, and we’ll have your rug back to you before you miss it.

Choose Us When You Need Turkish Rug Fringing

Turkish rug fringing is an important restoration service that all owners of Turkish rugs should be aware of. Your rug’s fringe is like its back bone, so when this gets damaged it's only a matter of time before the whole rug is ruined. Our fringing service can make your rug whole again, and you'll be able to enjoy it for many years after.